Super insightful!

Do you have any perspective on the future of GPTs? Nice small prompt simplifiers vs. competition to existing apps and SaaS offerings? I tried to develop my mental model around it and it all came back to whether they stick with a pure revenue sharing model or have ambitions beyond that.

I wrote a brief LinkedIn article on it. Would be great to get your perspective: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dominik-parak_openai-gpts-genai-activity-7131239330722795520-yvfi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android

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Very insightful!

I've tried Browse GPTs. Super effective!

Does people using your own GPT affect your hourly number of GPT4 interactions?

Browse GPTs is the only GPT that warns me that: "You've reached the current usage cap for GPT-4, please try again after 11:44 AM."

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